Very fascinating to see that we are so closely interconnected across the globe.
The biggest problem I've with climate change scientists is that they make BOLD predictions without fully understanding the scope of change. As you mentioned in this article, scientists were flummoxed on why earth was not heating up sooner and then realized, Sahara had a role to play.
Now, if Sahara is becoming green, they again make another BOLD prediction. Couldn't other parts of the globe compensate if we are all connected?
IOTW, we have cried "wolf" too many times and its hard to take these armaggedon theories seriously, because there may be another complex facet emerging that could nullify this.
Instead of saying, reduce emmisions to prevent global warming or armaggedon, let us figure out ways to use renewables and other efforts in creating sustainable economies with emphasis on cost reductions.
I'm not a climate change denier, but I also find the solutions offered a bit too simplistic and too naive.