This seems like a vast over generalization. While the input of a manager is a critical data point, promotions and performance reviews cannot solely be based out of that. If so, then should we not focus on fixing the organizational problems?
I have had the opportunity to work with a couple of strong people, who can be called A-players. Two things I noticed:
a) Tremendous amount of self-belief and owernship. They focus on solving problems and not so much on who should solve it or why it's hard to solve.
b) They are excellent communicators and have great IQ and EQ. This is why, your role as a manager is not so much on guiding them but to channeling their energy on problems critical for the business.
The pitfalls I see is that these A players are rarely satisfied in their same role. Either they need insane opportunities to grow in your company or they move on.
In my case, all of them went on with their lives and started their own companies. That doesn't mean, I should not hire A-players but to ensure I make the most of their energy to build a strong team.