The idea that its a choice for workers to not be a gig worker on the surface seems reasonable. But, tomorrow, my employer refuses health insurance and asks me to go look somewhere else, would i be comfortable? NO. The same goes for so many benefits, i avail as a full-time worker.
The "gig" economy sounds good as long as its a gig. The moment, lyft incentivizes or punishes people who don't treat it as gig, it sounds fair enough to ask these companies to give benefits like a full time employee do.
For those, who think, lfyt somehow provides the freedom to pursue your dreams, they are not here for social upliftment or anything. They are looking for cheap labor and eventually no labor.
The author has hit the right point. They exploited the loop holes for a while and eventually when government is catching up, they are trying to "muscle" their way out, which they cannot.