I smiled. I smiled, smiled and smiled some more. After a long time, Joy entered my heart. I saw destruction, I heard wails of warrios and I smelled burning flesh. Yet, Joy was within me. And how couldn’t it be? If I knew such a dame existed, I would have gladly asked Brahma to switch my eternal life to a companionship with her. Let Indra have all the seven worlds….hmmm…
I have forgotten about Indra. Where is he now? Is it him who has come henceforth in the form of this dansel. Or is it that vile vishnu? It could be that Vishnu, conjuring himself as that dame and coming towards me with a smile and spewing venemous words to make me enraged and excited at the same time, hoping to trap me in his insidious web of deceit and make me lose reason and walk willingly into his trap. He did that earlier and he could do that again. I, Mahishasura, the conqueror of the seven worlds would never be trapped. I will slay this woman, who could well be Vishnu himself and bring joy to my clan.
I looked at her with love and anger in my eyes. Her face is beautiful and her expression stern. She was seated on a lion, that was showing its fangs to me and perhaps indicating to me that it would gladly feast upon my carcass by the end of the day. I started back at it without any fear and it turned its gaze away. Well, thats more like it. The presence of me on that battleground must bring shivers to my enemies and make them lose the battle even before a single arrow was shot. I looked at her again, with anger in my eyes and expected her to follow her lion’s way to plead for percy. And yes, I, mahishasura, who is devoid of mercy to his enemies would in this particular instance grant mercy to this damsel and let her into my privy chamber and not step again for a thousand years, after which, perhaps, I would be tired of her eternal beauty.
To my surprise, she stood there gazing at me firmly and there wasn’t fear in her eyes and neither was there any determination. Her gaze was unfazed by my presence, as if I were an insect or an ant and that she was unperturbed. No respect to me despite standing in my presence! How dare she! She is not Vishnu, for his scheming brain would be thinking about destroying me and I would have detected that. Then who is she! And why is she not AFRAID!
I roared in anger. She laughed in derision. Love melted away, for how could it be there, when the other person doesn’t even acknowledge your presence. It could be ignorance. Like a child who doesn’t understand that touching an ember will scar it for life! And I attacked her. Ignorance cannot be an excuse for punishment. My beast form lunged onto her and she moved away and while doing so stabbed me with her trident. Blood oozed out of my body, but then I sprung back and hurled towards her with my sword. She broke that into two with her mace and pushed me away. For an instance, I was shocked. Me, mahisha, the slayer of gods, pushed onto the ground! How dare she! And I recovered. We fought for hours and I knew she would tire. I’ve been battle hardened to know that it doesn’t matter how much you got forgot, what matters is who gets the final blow.
And in thinking so, I looked at her. Her face was radiant as ever before and not even a small, tiny drop of sweat could be seen across her face. A fleeting thought of fear grappled my mind and I stomped it. For fear is not what defines me. I summoned all my courage and advanced menacingly towards her with all my might and then it happened. I saw a flash of lightening and then that was it.
I felt liberated.