The article, taking away my problem with my premise, is beautifully written. I never understood, man-splaining before, when i heard in some article and didnt search for it, because i worried, it might be some pornography related term and I didnt want google to start following me with display ads everywhere. That would have been awkward. But, this article gave me a clear idea on what the term means and how its used.
There was a book, called "Men are from Mars and women are from venus". It essentially, created two groups called men, who liked football, didnt like to talk about emotions and enjoyed working with tools. Women on the other hand loved talking about emotions, feelings and well, u get the point.
Human beings are diverse and its wrong to bucketize them. Anytime, u say, "x% of men speak more than y% of women", its not representative of all men and not men across all cultures.
Also, u ignore the underlying data representation mix. There was a comment made in a forum that "women get more comments on their code written than men". This is a click-bait, attention grabbing statistic. What it doesnt tell is the fact that a lot more women were junior developers than men were and a lot of their code was in systems, that traditionally required more comments, like more women worked on front end, customer facing code than backend.
Dont just take a statistic and go to town with that.
Understand the data, scrutinize the reasons and then make factual observations by removing the blame.
The problem with these terms is that they emphasize on demonizing something than correcting something.
That said, when it came to the article itself, it was beautifully illustrated, the language was simple, funny and overall....i liked reading it.