Thank you for the authors note at the beginning to go till the end. The positivity didn't come forced and it was so organically woven.
A few things:
1) Its sad that out of an average age of 77, we are expecting people to work till 65 or more. My parents worked till 60 and I saw them a lot happier and liberated in the last decade than I did before. So, use the energy while it's there to enjoy life. None take their millions to heaven, so spend to have a good life.
2) The point you made about experimentation rings a bell with me. The best economic years might be for most people in the forties, but with the Silicon Valley and software industry, a lot of it is in the 30s. I see 40s as an experimentation phase and then 50s as concerned about safety and security phase to save and retire mode. Again, just from a valley perspective.
3) I always picture creative work manifesting as a flower and in such images, there are some who bloom early and there are some who bloom late. Your part about experimenting as much as you can and then be focussed to get things done is so true and felt like someone speaking on behalf of me.
A beautiful and soulful article. Thanks for writing.