1 min readMay 2, 2023


I would like us to not go down the slippery slope of using data to fan hatred or suit it to a narrative.

As an asian, I've pondered on what makes this ethnic group successful and standout and the answer is the ability to not dwell on hostility and unfairness and expecting the world to change, rather how you mould yourself to hostile environments and be successful? Perhaps, it has to do with many asians coming from oppressive governments and being former European colonies or has to do with emphasis on tight families, spirituality, religion that makes us forget the discrimination and move on.

Whatever, it is, the hard work done by previous generations has changed the profile of how asians are looked at and they are not a subject of ridicule anymore. or even if they are, who cares! All races and groups are subject to ridicule...haters gonna hate, as Taylor swift would say.

I'm a bit disappointed with this article and its DEI-trope. Going and repeatedly arguing that other groups ridicule you and the system is built against you is a recipe for creating a generation of people who do not want to excel and want to simply think of everything else as their enemies and the reason for their backwardness.



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