1 min readJun 29, 2023


Honestly, I felt sad when I read that you didn't miss a day of work in twenty five years and you had to miss work because of an emergency procedure. Hope you atleast did it because you were passionate about your work.

I recently read the psychology of money and it has a subtle influence on me. A few things that came in that: 1) Wealth's biggest contribution to you is how much of your time and schedule is in your control and 2) Define whats enough for you and dont move that goalpost.

And great point on the promo and the illusion of wealth. In my last role, I got a 15% raise but a 100% increase in responsibility and it was miserable. I hated every minute of it with more politics, obstinate directs and a sense of drifting away with too many people creating toxicity.

Now, I feel better even with lesser pay and it came down to controlling my own schedule. Not sure, if this will last, but I feel like I'm in control.

Hope you feel better!



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